Partner with Chicago’s leading alumni organization to drive awareness for your organization

The Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago (KACC) sponsorship program provides partners with a unique opportunity to expand their brand awareness and engagement with over 20,000 of the Chicago area’s most influential leaders: Kellogg Alumni. Your sponsorship will also help support KACC’s mission and initiatives to build a community of alumni dedicated to helping others succeed. The Kellogg Alumni Club of Chicago is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.

Meet our KACC Sponsors

Sponsorship Benefits

Sponsorship Options

Purple Level Sponsor: $10,000

  • Recognition as a Purple KACC sponsor on our Website (homepage) with logo and link for 2024

  • KACC Email and Newsletter recognition of corresponding sponsorship level throughout year

  • Sponsorship level exposure with company logo via KACC Social Media Posts

  • Logo included on Physical Signage at KACC Events indicating sponsorship level throughout year

  • One Event-Level Sponsorship included

  • “Sponsored By” tagline on all Event communication

  • Opportunity to provide Airtime (5 mins) at event to share company background

  • Complimentary Ticket to event

Silver Level Sponsor: $5,000

  • Recognition as a Silver KACC Sponsor on our Website (homepage) with logo and link for 2024

  • KACC Email and Newsletter recognition of corresponding sponsorship level throughout year

  • Sponsorship level exposure with company logo via KACC Social Media Posts

  • Logo included on Physical Signage at KACC Events indicating sponsorship level throughout year

Bronze Level Sponsor: $2,500

  • Recognition as a Bronze KACC Sponsor on our Website (homepage) with logo and link for 2024

  • KACC Email and Newsletter recognition of corresponding sponsorship level throughout year

  • Sponsorship level exposure with company logo via KACC Social Media Posts

  • Logo included on Physical Signage at KACC Events indicating sponsorship level throughout year

Event Level Sponsorship

  • Details to be finalized depending on specific event and sponsorship opportunities

  • “Sponsored By” tagline on all Event communication

  • Opportunity to provide Airtime (5 mins) at event to share company background

  • Complimentary Ticket to event

Recurring Donation

  • Commit to support KACC with a recurring donation on a monthly or annual basis for 2+ years

One Time Donation

  • Support KACC with a one-time donation in any amount

Inquire About our KACC Sponsorship Program